voc2021 ep: 31: Alice Estrada

Photos courtesy of amaritime.org

Images courtesy of amaritime.org

Nor-easter flooding story 2021 from the Annapolis Maritime Museum, Eastport, Annapolis

The recent "nor-easter" that ravaged local Chesapeake shorelines with somewhat unexpected and destructive rising tides. Located along the working waterfront enclave of Eastport, the Annapolis Maritime Museum (AMM) absorbed the blow, but not without menacing water damage exacting short-term and long-term museum rescue efforts. In retrospect, AMM President and CEO Alice Estrada described the initial shockwaves and the heroic neighborhood response as the museum staff and neighborhood friends reacted to an "all-hands cry" for help in the effort to quickly dry out get back up and running. Please follow www.voicesofthechesapeakebay.net on Facebook and "like us" on Instagram. Photos courtesy of www.amaritime.org.


voc2021 ep 30: Peter Earnest


voc2021 ep 32: Lea Capps