voc ep 70: Peter Turcik’s Mallows Bay

(All images courtesy of www.PeterTurcik.com)

Peter Turcik is the managing editor for the American Fisheries Society's magazine, Fisheries, and a contributor to FishTalk Magazine. He has a writing, editing, and photography background that includes work for the Chesapeake Conservancy, Trib Total Media, the National Geographic Society, and the National Park Service. Peter is an avid and passionate kayak and light tackle angler, who ties his own flies and jigs.
One of Peter’s inspiring and memorable photographic images (on right) was chosen to represent Mallows Bay in a series of sixteen National Marine Sanctuary U.S. Postal Service forever stamps.

A slideshow link to more of Peter’s Mallows Bay images. click here

Mallows Bay history in six-parts as told by author/historian Donald Shomette.


voc ep 71: Lee McDonnell


voc ep 69: Noah Bressman