voc ep 81: J.C. Ski, kid’s author

The Mostly incredibly true story of a little dog who believed he was BIG. A Story For Children of ALL Ages. An interview with J.C. Ski.

“I had the good fortune to be the owner and best friend of the Biggest Dog That Ever Was.  Frankie, was named after Frank Sinatra, lived to be over 20 years old.  He was incredible.  I learned a lot from him.  My wife and I treated him more like a son, as most of the time he lived with us was before the birth of our child.

It's a cradle - grave story done in illustrated chapter book format nine chapters long, that can be read in about an hour.  The chapters have subtle life lessons woven into them, gradually teaching children what it really means to be BIG.  You see, Frankie just never had any fear, it never occurred to him to be scared of anything.  I thought what a great role model he would make for a child. 

Nearly every chapter of Frankie has a life lesson that anyone can apply to their own lives.  Whether it's how to make a friend, deal with bullies, or cope with change, Frankie shows the way.  The story, like the dog, and the children we love, gets bigger over time.  It starts out recognizing the special bond between dogs and people, and then goes on to tell the tale of Frankie - A little dog who believed he was big.  Children see themselves through Frankie, who faces challenges with a single mantra - I"If I'm HERE, then I fave No FEAR."  Parents and dog lovers alike will find plenty to like about Frankie.”

J.C. Ski (Joe Wateski) will appear this Sunday, October 25, 2022 at Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis as part of the SPCA’s (rescheduled) annual Walk With the Animals (9am-12 noon)! You can hear his interview beginning at 7:15am this Sunday on 103.1 WRNR-FM (streaming live at www.wrnr.com). Or you can listen here anytime to his amazing tail… er, tale.


voc ep 82: Capt. Wade & Lil’Wade Murphy


voc ep 80: Ron Peremel & John Way