voc ep: 52 & 54 Dave Brinker
Dave Brinker (Dave Brinker)
Goshawk (Randy Loftus)
Adult Common Tern (Creative Commons)
Black Skimmer
(Terry Foote, MD DNR)
This week's guest on Voices of the Chesapeake Bay is Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources regional ecologist Dave Brinker. Originally from Wisconsin, Dave is a founding co-director of Project SNOWstorm, and Md DNR's Natural Heritage Program, where he focuses on biodiversity conservation, and migrating colonial seabirds (various terns, black skimmers, and pelicans) in a preservation partnership along the Mid-Atlantic. In 1994, he founded Project Owlet, a continental network of migrant northern saw-whet owl banding stations. He also directs the Central Appalachian Goshawk Project, and is a co-founder of the Northeast Motus Collaboration, which uses “nanotag technology” and automated receiver stations to track the movements of birds, bats and insects.